Thursday, May 16, 2024

Harming others is harming oneself

 Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Question: So you can be a bad person and not face any consequences ultimately?

This is a common question asked by people when they hear Advaita philosophy 'all is one. Non dual, everything is one reality. Life is a dream'

It is a common question asked by everyone who hears this philosophy for first time. 

There are different levels at which one operates. 

At consciousness level, ultimate reality, this life is like a dream. You are the dreamer. All the characters in the dream is your own mind only. The hero in the dream and villain in the dream is played by the mind of the dreamer. 

Similarly, this life is also your(consciousness) dream only. All the people, animals, trees, stars, galaxies etc is you only. 

After dream is over, who is villain and who is hero? Both are you. 

From that perspective, answer to your question would be 'in the ultimate perspective, everything is you. So if you hurt other, you are hurting yourself.'

On the other hand, if this philosophy is used to justify bad behavior, then ultimately one is hurting oneself only.

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