Monday, August 12, 2013

Atma deepo bhava

Sri Sadgurubhyoh Namah

Budha's disciples asked him in his last days, who will guide them after his death. Buddha said 'Atma deepo bhava'. Which means 'Be a light unto yourself'. 
If a person doesnt have inner strength, he needs support system like scriptures, Guru etc. For a person who has inner strength, he is his own guide/guru, he is his own scripture, he is a light unto himself.
One should be their own strength, their own guide, their own motivator, their own rectifier. 
I understood this today, what it means when we say Atmajyoti (light of the self).

Hari Om


  1. When you become ‘atma dipa bhava’ you become the enlightened soul. You need not to carry anything. The light will carry you. Then you will be able to illuminate all your surroundings with your inner light. You will glow and lit up others with your divine light.
