Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Acceptance of body mind god

For the ego self 'i',

1) acceptance of reality of bondage with respect to body and mind , understanding limitations of them
2) acceptance of reality of universal law, force, destiny
leads to peace.

The mind has to know 'this is it'. For an unenlightened mind, if it thinks truthfully that 'I am unenlightened this moment, and this moment is all I have got' , it leads to peace for that moment. Any other thoughts including thoughts of what heights one may scale in spirituality etc , is all myth.

There may be a liberation point (sahaja samadhi). But I have not achieved it. and for me to think that i have not achieved something is again a bondage. When I become hopeless of liberation completely, I may be completely liberated. Hope/Expectation , Desire/Greed, Fear/Anger, Jealousy/Love are what keeps a Jivabhava alive. As long as the kicks of destiny are not powerful one lives in delusion.

Hari Om